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5 Penyebab Sakit Kepala saat Puasa

Myles Bannister

Agar Anda tidak mengalami pusing setiap harinya dan puasa yang dijalani tidak terganggu, kenali penyebabnya di bawah ini. Dengan mengetahui penyebab rasa pusingnya, Anda akan tahu apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mencegahnya.


During fasting, the body is prone to dehydration. This condition often leads to frequent and distracting headaches. Dehydration can be especially severe when the weather is hot, causing excessive sweating even with minimal physical activity.

This year, Ramadan falls during the dry season in Indonesia. This means that the days will be scorching hot, making dehydration more likely. To combat this condition, make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day or 2 liters.

Since drinking is not allowed during the day, increase your water intake during sahur, especially just before imsak and when breaking the fast. Even though the time is limited, strive to stay hydrated to avoid headaches during fasting.


Fasting often results in physical fatigue. Following your regular work schedule, you need to wake up earlier and sleep later to accommodate your religious obligations. Changes in sleep patterns and duration gradually lead to accumulated fatigue.

This accumulated fatigue can cause severe and unbearable headaches. Consequently, you may feel unable to withstand the pain and decide to break your fast by eating or taking medication.

To alleviate the severity of fatigue, try to improve your sleep patterns. You may end up sleeping less, but if the quality of sleep is good, your body will feel refreshed. Avoid staying up late, drinking coffee, or smoking, as these activities can reduce the quality of sleep.

Gula darah rendah

During fasting, some people tend to avoid consuming excessive amounts of sweets to prevent weight gain. As a result, they consume less sugar and simple carbohydrates.

While consuming excessive amounts of sugar and simple carbohydrates is not advisable, your body still needs them to maintain energy levels. If the energy intake is inadequate, your body will become weak, leading to headaches.

To address low blood sugar levels, it is still recommended to consume sweet foods. If you do not want your blood sugar levels to increase too much or cause weight gain, try to consume fruits as a replacement for sugar and other simple carbohydrates.

Masuk angin

During fasting, we often wake up early in the morning to eat and perform religious rituals. Waking up too early can cause some people to experience masuk angin (catching a cold), resulting in headaches and a desire to vomit during the day.

Tekanan darah rendah

Low blood pressure often leads to frequent headaches. For those who experience low blood pressure on a daily basis, it is recommended to carefully meet their nutritional needs. Do not let your body experience a daily calorie deficit, as this can cause a rapid decrease in blood pressure.

Now, out of the five mentioned above, which one do you frequently experience? Remember the common issues you experience so that you can prevent and address them quickly without disrupting your Ramadan fasting activities.

Now, out of the five mentioned above, which one do you frequently experience? Remember the common issues you experience so that you can prevent and address them quickly without disrupting your Ramadan fasting activities.

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